API documentation


SSL only

We require that all requests are done over SSL.

UTF-8 encoding

Every string passed to and from the API needs to be UTF-8 encoded.

Date format

All dates in the API are strings in the following format:

"2013-05-21 17:53:39"


The API uses HTTP Basic Authentication, which is secure since all requests use SSL.

The API key can be specified in the authentication section of the request. If your language requires a username and password, enter the API key in the username and leave the password empty.

Your API key can be generated from the Control Center > Tools & Settings > API Keys menu.

Error handling

Every request includes an HTTP status code with the result. The status code should examined before the response. In most cases, the response body will contain further details.

Error codes

code description
401 Authorization required.
404 Not Found.
500 Internal Server Error.

Sample JSON return value

  "success": false,
  "error": {
      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authorization Required"

Sample code

Sample cURL code

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -u <api_key>:x https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/locations.json

More on cURL command line tool

Sample PHP code

    ini_set('display_errors', 1);

    $resCurl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($resCurl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/locations.json");
    curl_setopt($resCurl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "/*api_key*/");
    curl_setopt($resCurl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
    curl_setopt($resCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($resCurl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);

    $sReturnValue = curl_exec($resCurl);  
    $aResponseInfo = curl_getinfo($resCurl);

More on PHP's Client URL Library



Returns the registered locations.

URL Structure
  • version The API's version number. v1.0
  • format The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. json or xml
  • limit Limits the number of objects returned by the server. Defaults to 100.
  • offset Defines the starting point of the returned object range. Defaults to 0. The end point of the range is offset + limit.
  • sort The returned objects can be sorted by any field. name To reverse the sorting direction, prepend a minus sign to the field's name. -name
  • fields You can define, which fields must be included in the response. The value of the parameter is a list of comma separated field names. name,type,datetime

Returns the registered locations.

Sample JSON return value

    "success": true,
    "metadata": {
        "limit": 1,
        "offset": 2,
        "total_count": 4,
        "links": {
            "self_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/locations.json?limit=1&offset=2",
            "next_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/locations.json?limit=1&offset=3",
            "previous_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/locations.json?limit=1&offset=1"
    "results": [
            "location_id": "1",
            "location_name": "Budapest",
            "address": "Váci Way",
            "city": "Budapest",
            "state": null,
            "zip": "1133",
            "country_code": "HU"

Return value definitions

field description
limit The requested number of objects returned by the server.
offset The requested start point of the region of objects.
total_count Total length of the collection.
self_link Query link that returns the current region of objects.
next_link Query link that returns the next region of objects, if present.
previous_link Query link that returns the previous region of objects, if present.
location_id Unique identifier of the location.
location_name Common name of the location.
address Street name with house number.
city City name.
state County name.
zip Postal code.
country_code Two-letter country code.
Error codes
code description
1001 Insufficient privileges.
1002 Invaild field parameter.
1003 Invalid request detected.
1004 Invalid filter parameter.
1005 Invalid sort parameter.



Returns the customers.

URL Structure
  • version The API's version number. v1.0
  • format The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. json or xml
  • limit Limits the number of objects returned by the server. Defaults to 100.
  • offset Defines the starting point of the returned object range. Defaults to 0. The end point of the range is offset + limit.
  • sort The returned objects can be sorted by any field. name To reverse the sorting direction, prepend a minus sign to the field's name. -name
  • fields You can define, which fields must be included in the response. The value of the parameter is a list of comma separated field names. name,type,datetime

Returns the customers.

Sample JSON return value

    "success": true,
    "metadata": {
        "limit": 100,
        "offset": 0,
        "total_count": 1,
        "links": {
            "self_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/subscribers.json?limit=100&offset=0"
    "results": [
            "customer_id": "1",
            "customer_name": "John Doe",
            "user_name": "jdoe",
            "email": "jdoe@example.net",
            "company_name": null,
            "address": "Váci Way",
            "city": "Budapest",
            "state": null,
            "zip": "1133",
            "country_code": "HU",
            "phone": "+36 1 000 0000",
            "registered_at": "2013-05-21 17:53:39"

Return value definitions

field description
customer_id Unique identifier of the user.
customer_name Full name of the person.
user_name User name of the person.
email E-mail address of the user.
company_name Type of business entity associated with the person.
address Street name with house number.
city City name.
state County name.
zip Postal code.
country_code Two-letter country code.
phone Cell phone number of the user.
registered_at Date and time of the creation of the user.
Error codes
code description
1001 Insufficient privileges.
1002 Invaild field parameter.
1003 Invalid request detected.
1004 Invalid filter parameter.
1005 Invalid sort parameter.



Returns the customers at the requested location.

URL Structure
  • version The API's version number. v1.0
  • id A location's or a group of locations unique identifier. 1 or g1
  • format The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. json or xml
  • limit Limits the number of objects returned by the server. Defaults to 100.
  • offset Defines the starting point of the returned object range. Defaults to 0. The end point of the range is offset + limit.
  • sort The returned objects can be sorted by any field. name To reverse the sorting direction, prepend a minus sign to the field's name. -name
  • fields You can define, which fields must be included in the response. The value of the parameter is a list of comma separated field names. name,type,datetime

Returns the customers at the requested location.

Sample JSON return value

    "success": true,
    "metadata": {
        "limit": 100,
        "offset": 0,
        "total_count": 1,
        "links": {
            "self_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/subscribers.json?limit=100&offset=0"
    "results": [
            "customer_id": "1",
            "customer_name": "John Doe",
            "user_name": "jdoe",
            "email": "jdoe@example.net",
            "company_name": null,
            "address": "Váci Way",
            "city": "Budapest",
            "state": null,
            "zip": "1133",
            "country_code": "HU",
            "phone": "+36 1 000 0000",
            "registered_at": "2013-05-21 17:53:39"

Return value definitions

field description
customer_id Unique identifier of the user.
customer_name Full name of the person.
user_name User name of the person.
email E-mail address of the user.
company_name Type of business entity associated with the person.
address Street name with house number.
city City name.
state County name.
zip Postal code.
country_code Two-letter country code.
phone Cell phone number of the user.
registered_at Date and time of the creation of the user.
Error codes
code description
1001 Insufficient privileges.
1002 Invaild field parameter.
1003 Invalid request detected.
1004 Invalid filter parameter.
1005 Invalid sort parameter.



Returns the newsletter subscribers.

URL Structure
  • version The API's version number. v1.0
  • format The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. json or xml
  • limit Limits the number of objects returned by the server. Defaults to 100.
  • offset Defines the starting point of the returned object range. Defaults to 0. The end point of the range is offset + limit.
  • sort The returned objects can be sorted by any field. name To reverse the sorting direction, prepend a minus sign to the field's name. -name
  • fields You can define, which fields must be included in the response. The value of the parameter is a list of comma separated field names. name,type,datetime

Returns the newsletter subscribers.

Sample JSON return value

    "success": true,
    "metadata": {
        "limit": 100,
        "offset": 0,
        "total_count": 1,
        "links": {
            "self_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/subscribers.json?limit=100&offset=0"
    "results": [
            "customer_id": "1",
            "customer_name": "John Doe",
            "user_name": "jdoe",
            "email": "jdoe@example.net",
            "company_name": null,
            "address": "Váci Way",
            "city": "Budapest",
            "state": null,
            "zip": "1133",
            "country_code": "HU",
            "phone": "+36 1 000 0000",
            "registered_at": "2013-05-21 17:53:39"

Return value definitions

field description
customer_id Unique identifier of the user.
customer_name Full name of the person.
user_name User name of the person.
email E-mail address of the user.
company_name Type of business entity associated with the person.
address Street name with house number.
city City name.
state County name.
zip Postal code.
country_code Two-letter country code.
phone Cell phone number of the user.
registered_at Date and time of the creation of the user.
Error codes
code description
1001 Insufficient privileges.
1002 Invaild field parameter.
1003 Invalid request detected.
1004 Invalid filter parameter.
1005 Invalid sort parameter.



Returns the newsletter subscribers at the requested location.

URL Structure
  • version The API's version number. v1.0
  • id A location's or a group of locations unique identifier. 1 or g1
  • format The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. json or xml
  • limit Limits the number of objects returned by the server. Defaults to 100.
  • offset Defines the starting point of the returned object range. Defaults to 0. The end point of the range is offset + limit.
  • sort The returned objects can be sorted by any field. name To reverse the sorting direction, prepend a minus sign to the field's name. -name
  • fields You can define, which fields must be included in the response. The value of the parameter is a list of comma separated field names. name,type,datetime

Returns the newsletter subscribers at the requested location.

Sample JSON return value

    "success": true,
    "metadata": {
        "limit": 100,
        "offset": 0,
        "total_count": 1,
        "links": {
            "self_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/subscribers.json?limit=100&offset=0"
    "results": [
            "customer_id": "1",
            "customer_name": "John Doe",
            "user_name": "jdoe",
            "email": "jdoe@example.net",
            "company_name": null,
            "address": "Váci Way",
            "city": "Budapest",
            "state": null,
            "zip": "1133",
            "country_code": "HU",
            "phone": "+36 1 000 0000",
            "registered_at": "2013-05-21 17:53:39"

Return value definitions

field description
customer_id Unique identifier of the user.
customer_name Full name of the person.
user_name User name of the person.
email E-mail address of the user.
company_name Type of business entity associated with the person.
address Street name with house number.
city City name.
state County name.
zip Postal code.
country_code Two-letter country code.
phone Cell phone number of the user.
registered_at Date and time of the creation of the user.
Error codes
code description
1001 Insufficient privileges.
1002 Invaild field parameter.
1003 Invalid request detected.
1004 Invalid filter parameter.
1005 Invalid sort parameter.



Returns the pre-paid vouchers.

URL Structure
  • version The API's version number. v1.0
  • format The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. json or xml
  • limit Limits the number of objects returned by the server. Defaults to 100.
  • offset Defines the starting point of the returned object range. Defaults to 0. The end point of the range is offset + limit.
  • sort The returned objects can be sorted by any field. name To reverse the sorting direction, prepend a minus sign to the field's name. -name
  • fields You can define, which fields must be included in the response. The value of the parameter is a list of comma separated field names. name,type,datetime

Returns the pre-paid vouchers.

Sample JSON return value

    "success": true,
    "metadata": {
        "limit": 1,
        "offset": 2,
        "total_count": 26,
        "links": {
            "self_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/vouchers.json?limit=1&offset=2",
            "next_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/vouchers.json?limit=1&offset=3",
            "previous_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/vouchers.json?limit=1&offset=1"
    "results": [
            "serial": "1229604629-75347",
            "voucher_code": "1h-651978",
            "limit_tl": -1,
            "simultaneous_use": 1,
            "limit_dl": -1,
            "limit_ul": -1,
            "usage_exp": "1 day",
            "validity": 30,
            "price_enduser": "0 HUF"

Return value definitions

field description
serial Unique identifier of the voucher.
voucher_code Users must type in this additional code.
limit_tl Traffic limit in bytes. If the return value is -1, no location context is set.
simultaneous_use The number of simultaneous connections allowed.
limit_dl Download limit in bytes. If the return value is -1, no location context is set.
limit_ul Upload limit in bytes. If the return value is -1, no location context is set.
usage_exp Expiration time left from today.
validity Can be used for the amount of minutes returned.
price_enduser The price and currency it was sold for.
Error codes
code description
1001 Insufficient privileges.
1002 Invaild field parameter.
1003 Invalid request detected.
1004 Invalid filter parameter.
1005 Invalid sort parameter.



Returns the pre-paid vouchers at the requested location.

URL Structure
  • version The API's version number. v1.0
  • id A location's or a group of locations unique identifier. 1 or g1
  • format The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. json or xml
  • limit Limits the number of objects returned by the server. Defaults to 100.
  • offset Defines the starting point of the returned object range. Defaults to 0. The end point of the range is offset + limit.
  • sort The returned objects can be sorted by any field. name To reverse the sorting direction, prepend a minus sign to the field's name. -name
  • fields You can define, which fields must be included in the response. The value of the parameter is a list of comma separated field names. name,type,datetime

Returns the pre-paid vouchers at the requested location.

Sample JSON return value

    "success": true,
    "metadata": {
        "limit": 1,
        "offset": 2,
        "total_count": 26,
        "links": {
            "self_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/vouchers.json?limit=1&offset=2",
            "next_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/vouchers.json?limit=1&offset=3",
            "previous_link": "https://api.hotspotsystem.com/v1.0/vouchers.json?limit=1&offset=1"
    "results": [
            "serial": "1229604629-75347",
            "voucher_code": "1h-651978",
            "limit_tl": -1,
            "simultaneous_use": 1,
            "limit_dl": -1,
            "limit_ul": -1,
            "usage_exp": "1 day",
            "validity": 30,
            "price_enduser": "0 HUF"

Return value definitions

field description
serial Unique identifier of the voucher.
voucher_code Users must type in this additional code.
limit_tl Traffic limit in bytes. If the return value is -1, no location context is set.
simultaneous_use The number of simultaneous connections allowed.
limit_dl Download limit in bytes. If the return value is -1, no location context is set.
limit_ul Upload limit in bytes. If the return value is -1, no location context is set.
usage_exp Expiration time left from today.
validity Can be used for the amount of minutes returned.
price_enduser The price and currency it was sold for.
Error codes
code description
1001 Insufficient privileges.
1002 Invaild field parameter.
1003 Invalid request detected.
1004 Invalid filter parameter.
1005 Invalid sort parameter.



Generate a voucher code on the fly against voucher credits.

URL Structure
  • version The API's version number. v1.0
  • id A location ID where the voucher credit will be deducted from (if the location has a Free Voucher subscription, credits will be deducted from the subscription credits, otherwise it will be deducted from the Pay As You Go credits). If a pay per use voucher is generated the system deducts 2 voucher credits, for free vouchers the system deducts 1 credit. 1
  • format The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. json or xml
  • validity A location ID or a location group ID where the voucher can be activated. If there is no validity parameter specified, the voucher can be activated in the same location as the <id> parameter..
  • package ID of a custom package which is used to define the voucher parameters. If no package is specified, a voucher code will be generated based on the default free access of the location.

Generate a voucher code on the fly against voucher credits.

Sample JSON return value

    "success": true,
    "access_code": "1w-6669999"

Return value definitions

field description
access_code The generated code of the voucher.
Error codes
code description
1001 Insufficient privileges.
1006 Insufficient voucher credit.
1009 Invalid package ID.
1010 Currency mismatch.
1011 Invalid Location.