• English
It's fast and free!
Operator Username:
4-32 characters, alphanumeric only. The operator username will appear in the URL that your guests see when they open your HotSpot start page. Thus we suggest to use a fancy name, company name, location name, etc. instead of your own name.
Min 4 characters, no special characters allowed
Retype Password:
Enter the password again.
Contact Name:
Full name of the contact person.
Contact E-mail:
Valid and working email address required.
I am a reseller
I understand that this service is for businesses who want to provide public internet hotspot service to their clients. HotSpotSystem does NOT provide internet service.

I understand that the use of HotSpotSystem.com services is governed by the HotSpotSystem.com Service Agreement (view here). By signing up as a HotSpotSystem.com Operator, I agree to the terms of such Service Agreement.