How to configure RUT2xx, RUT850 and RUT9xx for HotspotSystems
Important note: This solution requires a Hotspot Operator Account at You can create an Operator Account here. If you would like to see what features you will be able to use with our solutions, click here. If you already have an Operator Account, then read on...
First, open router’s WebUI and go to “Network -> Wireless” menu
Then press “Edit” button on default Wireless Access Point (You can also create another one by
pressing “Add” button)
Change Access Point’s SSID (This is the name which users will see when connecting to your
Then go to “Services -> Hotspot” menu
And enable Hotspot feature for your Access Point SSID.
Finally press “Edit” button and configure your newly enabled Hotspot
- First, change “Authentication mode” to “External radius”
- Authentication protocol: CHAP
- RADIUS server #1:
- RADIUS server #2:
- Radius secret key: hotsys123
- UAM secret: hotsys123
- NAS Identifier:
- Enable “External landing page”
- Landing page address:
Optionally, if you wish to allow users to access certain websites without first authenticating, go to
“Services -> Hotspot -> General” menu and press “Add” button in “List Of Addresses The Client Can
Access Without First Authenticating” tab
Then select “enable” checkbox and enter domain name, IP address or network segment in “Address”
field. (Example “”, “”, or “”)
For Hotspot FREE SOCIAL locations: you need to add several domains/hosts to the allowed field in order to allow users to log in to there favorite social site. Please follow this article to add these domains/hosts to the whitelist.
If you wish to also include subdomains, you can select “Allow subdomains” checkbox (Example by
adding “” and selecting “Allow subdomains” will also allow users to access